Nowadays, it seems like six first person shooters come out every day and there are so many Tony Hawk games, we don't even remember if there ever was a start to the series. Too often it seems when making games developers tend to copy each other, and why not? They see a game selling millions of copies and they say "I'll make the same game with maybe a slight change to the storyline and it'll sell, too."
There's also the problem of making too many sequels. When you see number four or five, you usually think to yourself, "Good grief can't you think of something new?" Sports franchises are notorious for doing this. They add a little bit of new content every year and with updated rosters, it lures us sports fans back. I confess I have two Madden NFL games for my PC and one for my Wii; The Wii is obvious why I got the game, new control scheme and such,
There is still some hope though, games like Elebits, a game where you must track down Elebits, little power things that are the source of the world's power. To capture them you have to push, pull, lift and generally hunt for them.
Some people disagree though; They say "Why can't we have it where the only games we own are Madden 08,07, 06, and First Person shooter games?" Or, "What's the matter if they make a second Car's?", A Pixar Animations Film game, even though there was only one movie.
But I think there is a place somewhere inside us all that wants more than just one genre. A game that hardcore gamers (and when I say hardcore I mean you Halo freaks) an
I'm not saying those games with so many spinoffs aren't fun. All I'm saying is every once in a while we need a little change. You could look at it like this, your life is never always the same. Just when you're getting into a comfortable pattern something totally unexpected is thrown into your life.
That's why the Wii is so successful. It's innovation. but we're not going to suddenly take a vow to never play anything except Wii again, it's just innovation and change that makes it very fun, besides the fact that it's very easy to pick up and play. The Innovative games are usually very fun and sell well, but we still need Halo and Madden. So innovation is a usually a refreshing new look on gaming that makes us appreciate the developers for doing something new!
If you want to discuss this subject further please comment
Till then, Rawk On!
You haver some nice points here. Today I was walking through target and checked out some of the PC games (I bought a compilation of the 'Kings Quest' series, which I grew up on :p). It was crazy how many FPSs there are out there. I mean, it's really a joke to me. Developers need to be bold. I'm sick of the game of the year being an FPS with "awesome graphics", it just doesn't cut it for me. It's really sad for me to see "Bioshock" receiving so much critical acclaim. That game is a piece of junk, completely uncalled for and they're already talking sequel. Games are looking too much alike! People need to take risks and say "no!" to making an MMORPG or a new FPS. There are ways to make those concepts original, but I haven't seen them yet. Just because game x was a good game doesn't mean that we all have to copy game x. It was just one of a thousand ways to make a good game. People need to remember this. They need to say, "Okay Ocarina of Time was a good game. How can we make something completely different?" Rather than thinking "Hmm... how can we secretly cramp this game's style? There's no way we can beat it's story." There is a way to beat it's story. I'm doing it right now.
Overall, I think developer's need to create a new formula. Take people to places we've never been. I don't mean places we haven't been in this world, but places we haven't been in games. Everything seems a little too reminiscent in some games.
Also, I think gamers need to put down Manhunt 2, Resident Evil, Bioshock or whatever game they're playing and plug in Beyond Good and Evil. For me, that's the essence of a good game.
More thinking, less fighting.
The brain is the most powerful weapon!
I know it's some games people are making and playing today are sick, stuff like Bioshock, Manhunt 2, and Resident Evil, are just excuses to have tons of senseless killing in a game. Yeah after Nintendo had so much success with Ocarina of Time they make a new that the same they changed the whole formula with Majora's Mask. And thinking is way more fun than fighting. My sister has some Nancy Drew PC games that are primarily where you use your brain and I've had way more fun on that than lot's of killing games.
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